A change in prespective to create more CLARITY, INCOME and TIME
If you looking into this you are in one of two spots from what I would guess: you’re trying to figure out how to get something started or expand, OR you’re looking to unchain yourself from the day to day to start living the life you have been working your ass off for. Both of which I have accomplished and maintain today.
Chances are you are feeling one or more, if not all of the pains listed below:
Navigating the safety programs which limit the types of work the company can do. Sometimes people make the process more difficult than it needs to be. Writing a safety program and stepping out how things need to be done is a simple process. Getting your company certified in many areas gives you the ability to scale and be more adaptable in the changing environment.

Getting turned down on sales visits over and over. You need to get clear on who you target and make less sales visits but more effective visits. Limit the amount of sale personnel out knocking doors and spreading your message until you have created a crystal clear standard anyone can follow.
Losing out on work due to a poor safety record.
Safety auditing companies like ISN, PEC, and Avetta. These can be simple to maintain once the proper ground work has been laid. Learning how to write things out properly is going to save a ton of back and forth.
How to get yourself freed up to either expand the company or semi retire, the choice is yours.
Having an accident onsite that resulted in an injury or death. Developing a safety program that is simple and trainable.
Knowing when to hire lower waged staff vs higher waged staff. Plenty of ways to be tactical with staffing in a way where you can optimize profits.
Let’s be honest
It’s extremely hard getting in front of oil company people. And when you finally do most of the time it’s the WRONG person! This is so frustrating and really limits the amount of growth that can be achieved. It takes so much energy and sales dollars putting sales people out beating the bushes. Most of the time this happens because you are not clear on who and what you are targeting. There are several tactics I have learned and acquired to help me get in front of the right people and build an extensive network of oil field decision makers.
Taking a hands off approach is also crucial to keeping your business moving long term. You need the business to work FOR you not you work for the business. Learning how to properly delegate on lower budget is key to survival. It’s hard to justify hiring admin staff at a small level so you are forced to do all the leg work yourself. I have developed systems and processes to where I only work about an hour or two a day on this business. You probably started the damn business in the first place so you could have more free time, now you’re working MORE! That can change now with some help and a plan that is executable.
who am i and how can i help you
My experience comes from the truest form of from the bottom to the top. My Oil and Gas carrier started in 2010 where I began as a water hauler. The water hauling business was booming and it was easy to talk me into living in a truck for $30 per hour. No doubt a rough life staying in a semi cab 24/7 for weeks on end only being able to shower on a weekly trip to town where you would wait in line with 12 other stinky guys wanting to shower. It didn’t take more than a year for me to decide this was not the path for me. I jumped at a heavy equipment job where I had years of experience from working my dad’s business.
The job after hauling water would be my last job and has had a significant impact on my life, it is where I realized I was going to start a successful services company.
I learned the Roustabout industry directly from guys who had been doing it for years and they showed me how to repair and replace anything on a producing well site.
The company I worked for decided to sell and I took that as my opportunity to jump and go off on my own. The purchasing company did not care for the customers like we did so I knew there would be an opening. Little did I know it would be more difficult to acquire these customers than I thought.
I had a weekly route I would make through out the ND/MT area where I had stops I’d make to oil company offices. My visit would consist of me walking in the front doors, trying to pitch the gatekeeper well enough that they would call someone to meet with me and trying to get in. 9 times out of 10 I couldn’t even get passed the gate keeper. When I did it was difficult to get a shot because of how new and unestablished I was.
After months of this system and many weeks off with my head in my hands, I finally got a shot.
One of the offices I stopped at had a receptionist that was related to the person in charge I needed to see. I really think she felt bad for me coming in there multiple times and getting turned away. She talked her brother into meeting with me and he agreed to give me an opportunity to work with them. This meeting would forever change me.
My first check was for over 30K and I knew I had done the right thing. Faced with another obstacle, this company was running out of busy work and was going to release us soon. Back to the doors.
I found a new on quicker this time and was able to transition without much down time.
Long story short on the first year, I did over $1.4M in revenue. I also didn’t mention that I did this with a 400 credit score and no savings and no ability to get any money. I had to do a high risk loan on an old truck to get me up and running with cheap hand me down tools. I barely squeezed by getting the ball rolling but was able to maintain 7 figures of income from that point in 2013 to today. In that time I have secured 3 patents, setup multiple offices, secured vendors and partnerships – scaled up to 25 employees and back down to 10 – knowing when to do both is imperative for sustainability. I was a one person sales program for the first 6 years of the business and had to aquire and build leads completely on my own – I had no network whatsoever.
What if you could?
Spend time away from your computer and phone without feeling like the office is burning to the ground.
Keep consistent sales and service requests coming in from word of mouth
Have a motivated team of employess that want the compay to succeed while performing at optimal levels
Know how and where your money is being spent to ensure it is being optimized
Have clarity on the next step or direction the company is going
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